This Meaning and Memory ceramics and video is an ode and celebration of a harvest. The process began by growing plants. Each member grew a special herb and nurtured it until it was grown enough to harvest from. The celebration began with picking and washing the herbs. Then they were cut into pieces to be added to different types of cheese to be placed on top of fresh bread. The final cheers of the ode to the harvest was celebrated with wine and soft jazz music from the record player. The celebration of the harvest is not only about the herbs and being thankful for the bounty, but also the celebration of coming together and appreciating each others harvest and what they can bring to nourish each other.
I personally made these ceramics through the process of slip casting from the pots that held the herbs. They were used as candle holders in the celebration of the harvest video for the Meaning and Memory studio at The USF School of Architecture.
* Full portfolio available upon request ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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